"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Saturday 1 June 2013

Far right extremists chased through London by women dressed as badgers.


A rally by extremists from the British National Party and the English Defence League was dwarfed by opposition campaigners staging rival protests in London on Saturday 1 June.

Shortly after lunch, a die-hard core of around 50 BNP and EDL supporters was confronted outside parliament by hundreds of activists from anti-extremist groups including Unite Against Fascsim and Hope Not Hate.

But in the event, both groups were upstaged by agitators of a different stripe. Decked out from head to toe in black and white, the group that won the day were campaigning for neither for race war nor ethnic equality, but an end to the government's cull on badgers.

And it was the pro-badger campaigners who appeared to steal a march on the political activists.


https://twitter.com/LeeJasper tweets :
Multicultural London 1 BNP Fascists 0 .They came, we saw, we conquered. Whose Streets ?


South London Immigration Monitor : http://slimcampaign.blogspot.co.uk/

This new network is seeking to provide a positive platform for those wishing to support refugee and migrant communities and individuals who are subjected to discriminatory and arbitrary justice at the hands of the UK's draconian immigration legalisation.

We are seeking your support in highlighting immigration abuses and injustice.

Immigration law, now extends into local schools, hospitals and the workplace. The denial by the Government, of some migrants ability to work or access to public funds, has plunged many, into a exploitative criminal underworld that sees vulnerable members of our communities, being subject to ruthless exploitation.

The UK immigration system, is routinely denying basic human rights to hundreds of thousands of migrants, sometimes leading to loss of life as a result of illegal and inappropriate deportations.

At at time of economic crisis, it is important that the politically manufactured climate of scapegoating migrants, is challenged by a positive campaign that focuses on human rights, equality, justice and the benefits that migrants make to British society.


Standing up to Golden Dawn.


Michael Chege and his friends patrol their neighbourhood in Athens, Greece, most nights. After many encounters with the neo-Nazi group, Golden Dawn, they set up their own brigade, nicknamed the Black Panthers.They want to protect themselves from the fascists who are targeting people who are not ethnic Greeks.

Posing as a maid, Hsiao-Hung Pai infiltrated the murky world of the UK sex trade and spoke to some of the migrant mothers desperately working to send money home to their families.


Reading : Invisible: Britain's Migrant Sex Workers by Hsiao-Hung Pai. Highly, highly recommended.

https://twitter.com/heindehaas tweets :
#Migration is a constituent part of broader processes of change and #development rather than a problem to be solved

London from above.


https://twitter.com/scotrefcouncil tweets :
CAMASS celebrates ten years of African culture in Glasgow
- just catching up with this lovely story 

Young woman in Istanbul welcoming a stream of water canon with open arms.


https://twitter.com/GlobalRevLive tweets :
Everyone has to watch this. All of #Istanbul flashes their lights in solidarity with #occupygezi protesters #Taksim https://t.co/Gfb6gw5XY5

https://twitter.com/19pst tweets :
'What's your religion?' 'Where your ancestors from?' 'Were you here, Miss, when the Huguenots came?' Squeak: 'Do I look 300 years old?'

https://twitter.com/garyjkemp tweets :
Had the privilege of seeing https://twitter.com/19pst today, one if the most incredible museums I've ever visited. A real piece of London's immigrant history.

Strasbourg Observers.


Blog commenting on developments in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights.

Story of a young North Korean defector.


Via http://globalvoicesonline.org/2013/05/31/a-story-of-young-north-korean-defector/ -
Concerns over insufficient protection of North Korean refugees have grown ever stronger as news came out that nine young North Korean defectors have been forced to return to North Korea after being captured in Laos. The Dreamer blog shared a story of young North Korean defector who explains in detail what kind of life he had fled from.

The year was 1986, and Lynda had just joined a small cadre of female engineers working for FI, a groundbreaking IT firm that laid the foundations for outsourced development and women’s rights in the workplace. The company, originally called Freelance Programmers, was founded in the early 1960s by Stephanie Shirley, a German who had been evacuated to Britain — along with many fellow Jewish children — as part of the kindertransport shortly before the Second World War.https://medium.com/everything-old-is-new-again/8c5883a005c3

Pangaea with modern political borders.


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