"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Tuesday 23 July 2013

Council 'horrified' over scheme for immigrants to go.

Adverts telling illegal immigrants to go home show little has changed in the UK since Enoch Powell's rivers of blood speech.

 Even Delboy would not stoop to such depths.

Teather slams Home Office “Go Home” billboards as “straightforward intimidation”.

https://twitter.com/ColinYeo1 :
Unbelievable. Harper of @ukhomeoffice here describes the 'go home' campaign as 'dignified': http://bit.ly/1bd1uiz

https://twitter.com/EiriOhtani :
.@ukhomeoffice Please stop the #GoHome vans in London immediately. You are destroying community relations. #nooneisillegal #text78070

https://twitter.com/EiriOhtani :
Have you texted 78070 to protest against the Home Office's #GoHome billboards in London? I am still waiting a call back. #nooneisillegal

https://twitter.com/MigrantVoiceUK :
If you don't like the Home Office's #GoHome vans why not text an alternative message to 78070

https://twitter.com/SeemaChandwani :
Omg, when my Dad came to this country ppl graffitted saying 'Go Home' now the UK gov are! Is this a joke


Have you seen this van in Redbridge?

This government thinks it is appropriate to try to gain support by turning us against some of the poorest and most vulnerable amongst us. I think the Conservatives are trying to make fools of us.

https://twitter.com/BritCits :
Flashback on treatment of international students..forced to queue up all night in chilly weather

https://twitter.com/migrants_rights :
The response from the Prime Minister's office regarding our petition to Number 10 on #familymigration. pic.twitter.com/EVwC642JwS


https://twitter.com/MigrantVoiceUK :
Should 'illegal' immigrants be rebranded as 'irregular' immigrants? The UN thinks so via @Telegraph http://fw.to/gG3zWyi

https://twitter.com/BritCits immigrant of the day : 

New immigration laws hinder some married expats returning to UK.


“This is totally unacceptable”, she said, and added that she feels angry, sad, stressed, rejected and bitter.

“I feel exiled from my own country. It’s crazy”, she said. “We have always planned on moving back to the UK. It’s important for our children to experience life in both Japan and the UK in order to fully understand who they are, form relationships with both extended families, and have enough language competence in both Japanese and English”.

Hudson said she has no choice but to remain in Japan for the foreseeable future, but hopes that rules might change.

“It’s very depressing not to have the choice to return to my own country when I need to”, she said. “When I married my husband, I never imagined the consequences would be to lose my right to a family life in the UK”, she added.

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