"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Monday 29 April 2013

Today's links

Plight of Mr and Mrs Bailey-Yamamoto.


A successful London businesswoman faces giving birth on her own because new immigration laws may force her Japanese husband to leave the country.


https://twitter.com/LaurieMGayle tweets :
Please sign this petition. The right to family life is universal. Being in love with a non-Brit is no crime!

Riddlesdown train deaths: Inquest hears Donna Oettinger died with her son in her arms


More : http://britcits.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/rip

Donna started to suffer from depression last April when her Egyptian boyfriend – Zaki’s dad, Mohamed Nasr – was not allowed to come and live in the UK because of Visa problems.

The angry friend yesterday said the tragedy should have been prevented. The pal, who did not want to be named, claimed: “It could have been avoided. It was waiting to happen because she has been let down, not by her family – they were the most supportive family – but by doctors and the NHS.


https://twitter.com/ianbirrell tweets :
Ten of the best migrant blogs: the reality, not the rumours & mis-reporting...

We're #4.

https://twitter.com/leahmclaren tweets :

Spoke to my excellent MP Andy Slaughter today who told me @ukhomeoffice has "no record" of my case. 2.5 weeks since I've seen my baby son.

A broken system forced me to take a risk which, as a new mother of a sick child, I should not have had to take. Feels forced to me.

Chagossians: Wikileaks cables not admissible in court.


I have posted on this saga before, which started with the Chagossians’ eviction from their islands in the Indian Ocean in the late 1960s and early 1970s, here, here, and, in Strasbourg, here. After a judgment from the courts in 2000, the FCO accepted that the original law underlying their departure was unlawful, and agreed to investigate their possible resettlement on some of their islands.


The human rights roundup.


Migrant Rights Network :
We’ve launched our 2012 annual report last week with a private view and drinks reception at 19 Princelet Street - Britain’s Museum of Immigration and Diversity. Here's what kept us busy in 2012.


And a wonderful event it was too, at a great venue!

https://twitter.com/vanesshughes tweets :
Several migration related vacancies on latest @migrants_rights newsletter: http://www.migrantsrights.org.uk/news---

https://twitter.com/BIDdetention tweets :
Can't get our heads around the fact that without meaningful access to JR, detained clients will struggle to overturn unlawful UKBA decisions

https://twitter.com/JCWInews tweets :
Fantastic turnout 4 Into The Fire premiere at SOAS tonight, 120+. If you missed it, FireBox next Tuesday at 6.30pm. Check web 4 deets.


https://twitter.com/BritCits tweets :
Surinder Singh and "confused" #UKBA caseworkers.

Dear UK Border Agency,

I would like to know what instructions are given to caseworkers regarding applications made according to the Surinder Singh ruling.
Specifically to the EEA sponsor being a UK national, and after having exercised treaty rights by working in a member state, then returning to live in the UK with the spouse (Non EEA national) and not exercising treaty rights in the UK.

To my understanding caseworkers received a notification of an amendment to Regulation 9 of the EEA Regulations on the 20th May 2010, which stated that the UK national who is the EEA sponsor has only to show evidence of exercising a treaty right before returning to the UK and does not need to show evidence of exercising treaty rights in the UK.

Please confirm that this information is correct as the caseworkers at the UK Border Agency that I have had correspondence with do not appear to have knowledge of this ruling, although the Immigration Inquiery Bureau do seem to be fully aware of this ruling themselves.

Mirrored here : http://www.scribd.com/doc/138580402/Surinder-Singh-and-Confused-Caseworkers


https://twitter.com/BritCits immigrant of the day :
Ludwig Wittgenstein philosopher in LogicMathsMindLangua.Taught @Cambridge_Uni.CzechAustrian descent

He stayed here : 


Map of Europe, AD 1000 to now.


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