"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Monday 15 April 2013

Today's links

BritCits mini-meetup in Westminster this Wednesday. Feel free to say hi!

Dispatches | Immigration undercover.

Immigration remains at the top of the political agenda, with reports that tens of thousands of files sit uncleared in the system and there remains a large backlog of immigration cases not dealt with. Morland Sanders investigates whether Britain's immigration system is fit for purpose.

Scottish schoolgirl faces new life of poverty in Chile earthquake zone as mum is deported.


https://twitter.com/freemvntblog tweets :
Pre-entry English tests for migrant spouses upheld by Court of Appeal as proportionate interference with human rights

Majority decide Eng language test case on Wednesbury basis, minority on proportionality basis. V different outcomes.

https://twitter.com/emmabmoussa tweets :
Dear Easyjet please stop sending me emails, i am well aware i have not flown for a year, Please forward to UKBA the ones with my passport.


https://twitter.com/MandaKasravi tweets :
I'm a scottish citizen affected you will find my story here

https://twitter.com/chickamora tweets :
#Premiere of Into the Fire: Monday, 29 April, 6:30pm @SOAS with https://twitter.com/JCWInews
Join the event:

Home away from home - the Somalis of Bute Street, Cardiff.

Amidst all the coverage of contemporary migration to Britain, it is easy to forget the older generations of immigrants from across the world who have settled here and made Britain their


Labour is drifting into an immigration debate which it cannot win because it is framed by the right.

The Tories, desperately seeking a diversion from their failing austerity program, have launched a new set of economic policies to isolate and scapegoat immigrants.

The proposals are part of a new bidding war with UKIP, who are driving the same bandwagon with their ‘end open-door immigration’ message...


Challenge the Tory scapegoating of immigrants :

https://twitter.com/BritCits immigrant of the day :
George Bernard Shaw,Irish playwright,co-founder of univer LSE @LSEnews Lived 44yrs in Hertfordshire

TUC General Secretary speaks out for migrant workers.


Scottish Tourism Minister challenges UK government on new immigration procedures at ports.


https://twitter.com/jamestplunkett tweets :
Important piece on the inaccurate use of statistics. Vital that ministers are called out for this:

https://twitter.com/heindehaas tweets :
U.S. immigration law: Decades of debate - Very useful timeline |

https://twitter.com/RefugeeAction tweets :
Shocking and powerful #Syrian #refugee photos by @gilesduley:

https://twitter.com/heindehaas tweets :
Contrary to popular belief, international #migration has not accelerated over the past decades, new IMI study shows

https://twitter.com/patelsmie tweets :
No. One. Is. Illegal.

Is there an alternative to locking up migrants in the UK?


UK considers offshore asylum camps


What Danish TV ignores.


Did France’s national railway ban black and Arab Workers from greeting Israeli President Peres?


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