"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Thursday 4 April 2013

Today's links

More changes to the Immigration Rules.


Quelle surprise.

A retired London writer and his Japanese wife have become the latest victims of “draconian” British  immigration law which is keeping them 6,000 miles apart.

William Judge, 70, and his wife Machiko Oyama, 56, have been married for 18 years, living in a £1 million flat in central London. But after travelling back to Japan to care for her dying mother, Ms Oyama has been refused entry back into the UK.



https://twitter.com/freemvntblog tweets :
Even Daily Mail finds it hard to stomach injustice of immigration rules in individual cases

https://twitter.com/UK_HumanRights tweets :
Daily Mail reports on the 'draconian' immigration rules & how they "could even infringe (a) couple's human rights."

'Gay? Prove it then – have you read any Oscar Wilde?': Judges accused of asking lesbian asylum seekers inappropriate questions


Over the past year Claire Bennett, a researcher at the University of Southampton, has interviewed a dozen gay women from socially conservative countries such as Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Uganda and Jamaica to assess what their experience of applying for asylum has been like.

She found that the women were routinely subjected to “inappropriate and insensitive” questioning from tribunal judges in their bid to ascertain whether the women really were gay or at genuine risk of persecution.


Britons have become 'more tolerant of immigration as numbers increase'.


British people have become more tolerant of immigration as the number of people moving here from Eastern Europe has increased, a study has shown.

However the UK's attitude towards immigration is still more negative than any other Western European country except Greece, research from Oxford University has found.


More Eastern European immigration makes Britons happier with migrants, study shows.


'Earlier this month, it was brought to light that a German family who immigrated to the U.S. seeking political asylum may soon be deported by the Department of Homeland Security — and it all involves homeschooling.'


U.K. immigration critical to success of anti-EU party.


Human rights here, Roma rights now.


We urge you to stand up where governments are failing. Call on the EU to step in to end the discrimination the Roma face on a daily basis.

https://twitter.com/MBEGriffiths tweets :
V sad news of a man who died on Sat just after release from immig detention. Presumably shld never have been detained

https://twitter.com/MalmstromEU tweets :
Yes, words matter: @AP will no longer use the term "illegal immigrant". A milestone decision

https://twitter.com/MIPEXIII tweets :
Joint statement of 19 migrant groups slams government over Greek citizenship law

Gazan heads to Oxford University on unusual scholarship.


Rawan Yaghi is a bookish 19 year old who, appropriately for a student of literature, arrives to meet me in Gaza with a text tucked under her arm.

It is a well-thumbed copy of Catch 22, Joseph Heller's classic satirical novel on the absurdities of war; not an inappropriate choice for somebody who's spent her entire life amid one of the Middle East's most intractable conflicts.

But Rawan's life is about to take a different direction. Currently a student at Gaza's Islamic University, she has just won a scholarship to Oxford University to study linguistics and Italian.


https://twitter.com/ncadc tweets :
No human being is illegal. And no media should describe people as such. New guidance from AsoociatedPress:

Open artistic contest for young Roma – “My story, my rights”.


Despite what UKIP might say, EU migration is a two-way street.

Instead of banging the anti-immigration drum, politicians should extol the opportunities for Brits to live and work freely across the continent.


https://twitter.com/BritCits tweets :
Why can't we have a prime minister like @GuyVerhofstadt? Fair view from him:

Halting immigration 'would cost UK £18bn in five years'.


https://twitter.com/MigrationUK tweets :
Excellent BBC film looking at the lives of immigrants living along the A5, online until Sunday


https://twitter.com/InternationalUt tweets :
EU says wants more foreign students despite downturn

https://twitter.com/BritCits immigrant of the day :
US born actress Zoë Wanamaker, CBE of My Family fame.Mum Canadian,dad Jewish Ukranian American

The Great British Class Calculator.


Not sure about this one. Sounds like upper class, upper middle class, middle class, lower middle class, working class, lumpenproletariat but just with different names. #neologism
Invisible : Britain's migrant sex workers.


Ming and Beata share neither the same language nor cultural background, yet their stories are remarkably similar. Both are single mothers in their thirties and both came to Britain in search of a new life: Ming from China and Beata from Poland. Neither imagined that their journey would end in a British brothel.

In this chilling exposé, investigative journalist Hsiao-Hung Pai works undercover as a housekeeper in a brothel and unveils the terrible reality of the British sex trade. Many workers are trapped, some are controlled – the lack of freedoms this invisible strait of society suffers is both shocking and scandalous and at odds with the idea of a modern Britain in the twenty-first century.


https://twitter.com/SalCardiff and https://twitter.com/19pst are great! Recommend following them.
https://twitter.com/AmnestyUK tweets :
In #Glasgow? New photography exhibition @GlasgowTramway explores lives of asylum-seekers in the city. Worth a look:
First Saudi human rights association for abolishing execution launched.

Anonymous reportedly hacks North Korea.

Ahmad Falsafi, an 82-year-old dentist and blogger who wrote in his blog for about eight years, has died. Many considered him as the oldest blogger in Iran.

Protests and 'frozen zones' in Brooklyn.

Cuban blogger denied US visa.

(US) How did neo-Nazi prison gangs become so powerful?

Protecting subcultures - how are goths and emos defined?


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