"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Wednesday 3 April 2013

Today's links

New UK immigration laws are tearing families apart. Change them now.

Britons urged not to panic after possible sighting of ‘Bulgarian’


https://twitter.com/freemvntblog tweets :
Parliamentary launch: ‘Fractured childhoods: the separation of migrant families’
Legal aid cuts: how to represent yourself in court.


https://twitter.com/MigrantVoiceUK tweets :
Possible in UK? RT - AP's Dropping Of 'Illegal Immigrant' Could Have Wide Ramifications For Media
The Associated Press announced on Tuesday they will no longer recommend journalists use the term illegal immigrant when referring to immigrants in the United States without legal permission.

https://twitter.com/BritCits immigrant of the day :
#Immigrant of day:Tracey Emin,TurkishCypriot descent, considering exercising EU treaty rights for France @artyeminfan http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tracey_Emin
UK top scientist immigration policy under fire.


While Prime Minister David Cameron was away promoting the UK to Indian businesses and students, his stance on immigration was coming under increasing fire at home. The government’s flagship policy to attract top scientists has so far failed to deliver results and proposals to place further restrictions on skilled migrants have come under fire from scientists and migration experts alike. There is also growing concern that the coalition’s focus on reducing migration risks harming the country’s economic recovery.

https://twitter.com/Melissa_Maria tweets :
Dear Daily Mail, When will you be running your front page about JK Rowling: Super Awesome Product of Welfare UK? Regards, M. Cox
The Stop Hate UK Daily.


https://twitter.com/RunnymedeTrust tweets :
'The Multicultural Politic', a website that brings together writers, critics & activists, is worth a visit

https://twitter.com/nandosigona tweets :
#Hungary is no longer a democracy by @NewStatesman http://www.newstatesman.com/austerity-and-its-discontents/2013/04/hungary-no-longer-democracy
Mass emigration leaves little hope for change

https://twitter.com/simonr916 tweets :
The Daily Mail has a proud tradition of being on the right side of history.
Just as UKip members were excitedly slapping each other on the back in excitement about their future electoral prospects, the EDL's Stephen Lennon, also known as Tommy Robinson, comes out and says that he supports them.

https://twitter.com/ncadc tweets :
Finally: justice for Mauro, child #asylum seeker in the Netherlands
Now for the others ....

A Kyrgyz MP has proposed a new draft decree that would ban girls under 23 years of age from leaving the country without parental consent.

French court bans British ski hosts.

1 comment:

  1. Great resources..must be useful for most of the people like us. Thanks :)
