"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Thursday 25 April 2013

Barry, Francisca and Millie

Francisca tells her family's story. More on this story here : http://britcits.blogspot.co.uk/2013/04/save-millie-and-her-mum-from-deportation.html . Her online petition is here : http://www.gopetition.com/petitions/save-millie-and-her-mum-from-deportation.html . Francisca's campaign page is here : https://www.facebook.com/groups/147515488760221/

'OUR FAMILY is in the verge of being separated due to the UKBA rules, not allowing me, Francisca Canales, to acquire the right of residence here in the UK.

My daughter Millie was born in the UK. She has no understanding of her mum’s (my) home country. Why does she need to be deported too?

Barry Nicol and I have been in a relationship for four years and we were planning our wedding last year, just before UKBA sent us a letter asking me and my daughter to leave the country. Just before they took my passport.

We are expecting a baby, due in August. I am currently waiting for my appeal hearing to take place at the Tier 1 Tribunals in Glasgow, Scotland. I will then be 7 months pregnant.

We hope our appeal is successful. We didn’t have to go as far as an appeal, I know I clearly have gained the right of residency but UKBA has ignore the fact that my previous relationship was violent and hence why it broke down.

I, Francisca, have studied and worked here in the UK, paid all my taxes and never claimed a penny of benefits, always being transparent and loyal to the UK system, yet we are being punished for that?

I had secured a job in a well paid position at an insurance company, and due to the UKBA failing to provide the right documentation to my ex employer, I have now lost my income and all my maternity pay, and my employer had to let me go.

Millie is currently undertaking therapy with the Stirling Women’s Aid. 

Due to the stress this is causing our family, she cries constantly. 

Millie has created a circle of family union here in Stirling with Barry’s family. She now has grandparents, aunties, cousins, and friends at school. 

Why would you deny Millie, the right to family life? Take her away from school to learn a brand new language, brand new culture, away from her friends, everything she knows of?

Barry has no knowledge of my mother tongue. He’s never been to my home country. All his family live here in Scotland, and they are all looking forward to welcome our new baby.

Why would you deny this baby, and Barry’s family, the right of family life?

Taking me and my daughter away from the UK will mean that Barry will have to stay behind in the UK to work for us or simply making a move to my home country. 

Why does he need to choose between us and his own home country, the UK?

Why do you punish him and us for being in love and wanting to have a family? 

I want my unborn baby and his father together, but the UKBA is trying to make this impossible!

The UKBA is responsible for taking my income, my sanity, my health. What else do you want to take from me? 

My whole entire life, all that we have built here?

We pray and hope our appeal is successful.

Message to Theresa May:

I ask you to consider the new rules with full common sense, and how do they affect families, real families, couples, and children!

We are not terrorists. We pay our way. We contribute to the UK system. And yet we are punished.

Can your caseworkers at the UKBA use common sense when dealing with applications?

Our applications are lives, not just piles of paperwork. We also pay for our legal fees and all our applications.

I hope you use your full discretion on this matter. Please see how many families have been and will be divided because of the poorly set out *rules* of the UKBA.

Yours faithfully,

Francisca, Millie, Barry, and baby Nicol


  1. If you were planning your wedding last year, just before UKBA sent you a letter asking you and your daughter to leave the country, the contents of the letter apparently being the reason you postponed your wedding, why did you allow yourself to get pregnant. Surely any responsible person would not have brought a baby into such a precarious future.

    1. Having a family should not be dictated, just like choosing an non eu partner. We have love in our life and wanted children and ukba was not going to stop us from doing so...do you know something called medical reasons*? I will not discuss with you the medical stories of my womb, but let me tell you that having another baby is a miracle for us. Also, my partner's answer to you which I think its funny : I couldn't keep it int my pants*(please dont take offence) also when we made second application after a nasty surprise from UKBA with legal assistance, we thought everything was clear and straight forward, how wrong were we! coming back with a stupid and ridiculous justification to decline my application asking to provide divorce certificate, when i clearly stated i was never married and relationship broke down due to family violence, provided evidence of police calls and records, letters... Inmigration rules(not law) does not state the need of divorce certificates, they just made that up in order to decline my application.
      I hope this answer your question.

    2. Sorry, but having a family is dictated by circumstances - there are many couples in the UK who would like to have children but choose not to - one reason being their circumstances dictate that they cannot afford the expense of having children - to do so would be unkind to the children. You continue to blame the UKBA for all your misfortune, ie, stating that their replies are stupid and ridiculous. Had you accepted the decision of our Home Office to leave the UK your situation would not have exacerbated, you could have been back in your home country with you daughter and your partner and moving on with your lives. Perhaps now is the time for you to return to Chile and save the people of the UK, our Home Office and UKBA dealing with your case which now appears to be turning out to be a very lengthy time and expensive escapade. From past experience you appear, perhaps out of desperation, to have chosen the very wrong route of going high-profile. Finally, thinking your partner’s ’I couldn't keep it int my pants ’ to be funny is silly - your unborn baby will in some cases be viewed as an anti-deportation tactic - try using your partner’s answer at your upcoming tribunal. I’m sure that not so wisecrack will return to haunt you.

    3. Dear anonymous,
      I would like to hear your life before you continue judging anyone's else's life. We will continue to fight for the right of staying where we call home and paid all our hard earn taxes into, by using the law and not tactics, like you call them. How can your selfish mind call a child a tactic? that says all about your character.
      Attacks on people like us will just makes us stronger. I took it high profile because they are thousands of British Citizens being punished for loving a non EU citizen and having a family, of course you think that also should be dictated?
      Why does my partner who is an UK citizen needs to leave his country, work, home and relatives behind just to lead a family life away to an unknown place? why do I do need to start from cero in a country where I never had an adult life in, hold no studies in there, no home? or why would you remove a child from her home birth country? so, your children have more rights than my child or any other child stuck in this kind circumstances? I would suggest you tell us your life in writing and we can put it in a blog to make absurd assumptions about what you should or should not do. Thank you.

    4. Dear Anonymous, aka, Francisco,
      You do not have the right to hear about my life. You have placed your life in the public domain for judgement therefore the public has the right to comment and judge you. It’s extremely unlikely your taxes have covered your stay in the UK, you have never been a big earner, working in a call centre and the insurance industry is low paid and coming to the UK at 16 to study would require you to be subsidized via the UK taxpayer. I am not saying you are using the children as a tactic but the Home Office may well judge your continuing referral to your born and unborn child as a tactic. As you yourself have previously intimated, you believe the UK Border Agency will argue it's a marriage of convenience. If you are of the opinion attacks will make you stronger, then attacks by yourself on the UKBA and our legal system will make them stronger, your high profile gives them additional information to use at your tribunal. You’re not a British Citizen and your new partner is not a non EU citizen. There are no shortage of people and their children who are having to leave their country to start new lives, it happens all the time. You are responsible for removing your child from her home birth country, you removed her from England to Scotland. Children born in Scotland of Scottish parents do have more rights than your child who was born in England and has a Chilean mother and Spanish national father, that being part reason you are being informed you have no right to be in Stirling, Scotland or the UK. I have no requirement to go public on my life, I am not attempting to persuade the public to assist me whereas you have put your life in the media, on facebook, outside of the UK, and on a petition. Thank you.

  2. The reason they postponed was that the UK took away their right to marry. They would not have been able to get a marriage licence.

  3. The UK took away their right to marry. Whatever. She lost her right to marry due to not having the right to be in the UK. Back to question, why did she allow herself to get pregnant when she had lost the right to get married and was facing deportation. Cannot go on blaming the UK for her troubles.
