"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Campaigns update

The next month or so leading up to 9th July is going to be full of events leading up to the anniversary.

In fact, I don't know how we're going to fit it all in, but it'd be good for anyone who can to try and get involved in at least some of these (as well as making some new friends).

Campaign for the right to family life - next steps :

'So what can be done now?

'Here's a heads-up on some of the opportunities over the coming months to make your voices heard:

   ' Launch of the APPG Family Migration inquiry report on 10th June - the final report of the APPG family migration inquiry will be available for download from the APPG website from 10 June. As an informal inquiry this report will not carry the weight of a Select Committee report. However it will provide an important evidence base to build further scrutiny of the rules.

   ' Parliamentary debates on family migration, June/July - as a result of widespread concerns among parliamentarians about these rules, there are now plans to debate the rules on the floor of both the House of Commons and the House of Lords over the next two months. As soon as we know the dates for those debates, we will let groups and affected families know how to feed in.
  '  Divided Families Day on 9th July - the most important way of supporting parliamentarians who want to debate these rules is to show that there is a groundswell of concern from many corners. MRN, JCWI, BritCits, the Family Immigration Alliance and many others will be working together over the coming weeks to organise a series of activities around Parliament from 4pm on 9th July. All details will be circulated nearer the time, but the date should be put in your diary now! Activities will include:
        Demonstration outside the Home Office - 4pm
        Meet your MP session
        Public parliamentary meeting with high profile speakers - 6pm'


Additionally there will be

    - key allies (and friends) from https://twitter.com/JCWInews , https://twitter.com/migrants_rights and https://twitter.com/MRCF_london are at the Festival for Dangerous Ideas - 'Winning the debate on immigration' - this weekend - http://www.migrantsrights.org.uk/events/2013/festival-dangerous-ideas-session-now-until-2015-winning-debate-immigration
 (short notice I know but a good opportunity for a meetup : http://www.meetup.com/BritCits/events/121674372/ )

    - a public meeting in Hackney on 26th June, hosted by the Hackney and Refugee Migrant Support Group (we'll share more information on this closer to the time)

    - the People's Assembly also in late June may be an opportunity to spread the word

Happy campaigning!

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