On 15 February 2014, James Capon will run
the streets of West Yorkshire in a bid to raise awareness of the negative
impacts of the UK
government’s new family migration policies.
Starting in Pontefract and taking in
Featherstone, Normanton, Castleford and Knottingley, James will run 18 miles
around five West Yorkshire towns to bring
attention to the suffering caused to families as a consequence of the rules.
He hopes ‘run for my wife’ will inform
others as to what British nationals with a non-EEA partner are being subjected
to under the amended policies, and that this awareness raising will help to
effect change.
The rules, which require British sponsors
to have a minimum annual income of GBP 18,600 in order to bring their non-British
partner to the UK, and even more for each non-British child, are resulting in
the long-term, and sometime indefinite, division of many cross-border
The run for my wife movement is spreading
quickly, with interest from other divided families across the UK in taking up
individual runs in an effort to get the message out.
“I'd like for myself and all the people
that are suffering at the hands of the UK Border Agency to have a voice. I'd
like us to be heard, and I'd like us to be able to live freely with our wives,
husbands and children regardless of what part of the world they come from”,
said James.
Sign up to join James or add your own run
to the mix here: http://www.meetup.com/BritCits/events/148960452/
Hey James, I saw your piece on the peoples voice and I was very moved by it, drop me a line I may be able to help you.... steven@contemporarymusicproduction.com
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment. This site isn't actually run by James, but I am in touch with him and I will draw his attention to your offer. - Steve