"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Thursday 8 August 2013

Divided family.

On the eve of what will now be 12 weeks of Nick and our family being separated, I thought it prudent to share our story once more. We THANK those of you that have re-post it to your friends or sent it on to others, you have no idea how empowering it is to make people aware of these harsh, unrealistic abuses of our basic human right to live as a family. We have nearly 1,000 views and it wouldn't have been without your support, please continue to share our story and any others you come across. Sadly, we are only 1 case and there are thousands of others in similar or worse situations, some that have yet to even meet their own children. This needs to stop and England needs to be put to task and join the 21st century, not go back in time . . . here's our story



Theresa May accused of cover-up after censoring critical immigration report.

Home secretary accused of hiding 'her own failings' after using legal powers to redact sections of report by chief inspector of borders.



Portrayals of immigrants, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees in national British newspapers, 2010 to 2012.


The study has endeavored to remove human bias from the analysis – as far as possible – by using modern computing techniques rather than human readers and coders to identify significant patterns. The analysis focuses on describing the findings rather than drawing conclusions about debates on immigration, politics or media practices.

https://twitter.com/Laura_Padoan :
An overwhelmingly negative image of immigrants is portrayed by Britain's newspapers, according to new study http://huff.to/1eui2Pp

https://twitter.com/migrants_rights :
How can activists and MRCOs respond to #GoHome campaign and immigration raids? Public meeting London 13 August, 6pm

https://twitter.com/JCWInews :
Facebook founder: 'None of this could have happened without a welcoming immigration policy'

https://twitter.com/MigRightsScot :
Beautiful graphic from “@Ellwynnnnn: No one is illegal. pic.twitter.com/yiTMwc7ZtX " #nooneisillegal #solidarity

https://twitter.com/MigRightsScot :
We need more #MPs like @julianhuppert 2write @Mark_J_Harper &condemn @ukhomeoffice profiling tactics in #GoHome s/tgy

https://twitter.com/omaromalleykhan :
Economist on the murder of Roma in Hungary:

https://twitter.com/brianwhelanhack :
Hungary turns off water to Roma town

A travel guide to Bongo Bongo land.

For Godfrey Bloom, and any other confused explorer of the backward land of the Bongo tribe, here's the definitive guide.


Quick sketch of 19 Princelet Street, Spitalfields.



... Season 1 takes a group of Australians with a range of attitudes to this issue, exposes them to some refugees, the journeys they have taken, and the places they came from.  It has won Rose d’Or awards for Best of 2012 and Factual Entertainment as well as a Logie (think BAFTA).

I’m sure you can guess that the attitudes of most of the participants are, to say the least, altered by their experience.


https://twitter.com/BethanAngharadL :
Let's all play UKBA simulator pic.twitter.com/5Ur6ZawTcW

Swiss introduce apartheid-like restrictions: Local authorities ban asylum seekers from public places.


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