"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Monday 4 February 2013

Today's links

UK migration policy: we need to talk about citizens.


Families directly affected by the new rules are starting to speak out in an effort to create public interest and support. Stories are beginning to surface of families torn apart by the new rules, of young couples no longer able to live together, of children separated by one of their parents, of elderly family members left behind in order to comply with the new rules. Many of these stories are being collated in a new blog entitled BritCits, the name of which is in itself revealing, suggesting as it does an analysis of the devastating impact of these new immigration policy from the perspective not of would-be entrants, but of British citizens. The inefficiency of the system is also back under public scrutiny following the recent revelation of yet another backlog; victims here include wealthy British citizens kept away for months from their American wives because applications are sitting in boxes unopened. These stories challenge unspoken assumptions regarding who it is that is the target of immigration policy, and also who should feel the urge to oppose them. This realisation may ultimately succeed in creating a larger social movement against effects and side effects of current immigration policy which, in contrast to an immigration discourse that polarises immigrants and citizens, unites them in a common cause.

Nando Sigona on Twitter : https://twitter.com/nandosigona
And thanks!

UK Human Rights Blog : Another critique of the new Immigration Rules’ codification of Article 8.


The Upper Tribunal has concluded that new Immigration Rules do not adequately reflect the Secretary of State’s obligations under Article 8 of the ECHR.

This is the second determination of the “fit” between the immigration rules, introduced last year, and the UK’s obligations under Article 8 of the Convention. I covered the Upper Tribunal’s assessment of the rules in MF (Article 8–new rules) Nigeria [2012] UKUT 00393 (IAC) in a previous post and it will be remembered that the Tribunal held there that the new rules fall short of all Article 8 requirements...


More women forced into slavery after change to immigration law.


The number of women suspected of being trafficked to perform housework in embassies and private houses in Britain has increased amid warnings that vulnerable workers have been denied an escape route from domestic servitude by new immigration rules.

Victims of domestic servitude referred to a specialist service helping trafficked people more than doubled in the six months to December, according to the Salvation Army which runs a £2m contract on behalf of the Ministry of Justice.


Romanians in UK feel pressure of negative immigration publicity.


'The change in EU employment restrictions had led to a spate of headlines about Romanian immigrants flooding the country in 2014. For Romanians already living here, it makes life difficult.'


Gay asylum seekers feeling increased pressure to prove sexuality, say experts.
Assessment changes by UK Border Agency has led immigrants fleeing persecution to even show film of themselves having sex.


https://twitter.com/freemvntblog tweets : 'Evidence of how degraded and degrading our asylum system is '


https://twitter.com/migrants_rights tweets : 'Reading MRN emails this one definitely wins in arguing against migration: "have you ever asked yourselves why GOD separated our continents."'


https://twitter.com/migrants_rights tweets : Our weekly immigration news update is out. Here's the online version - http://eepurl.com/uUcdb


https://twitter.com/ianbirrell tweets : Four things to love about Mali - a lovely blog post & timely reminder given recent news... http://wp.me/p1KPQ2-z0

How the people of Timbuktu saved priceless manuscripts from the militants... http://nyti.ms/11HhW0i


https://twitter.com/johnvanreenen tweets : #ImmigrationTweetDay Two round-ups of facts showing immigration does more good than harm http://bit.ly/VxeR0g  and http://bit.ly/VxfarW

https://twitter.com/ianbirrell tweets : The evidence on immigration is clear cut - it boosts the economy, says https://twitter.com/nytdavidbrooks . He's right, of course... http://nyti.ms/Ujp9X4

Cardiff Migrant Solidarity Training : http://www.migrantsrights.org.uk/events/2013/cardiff-migrant-solidarity-training . Well worth attending to anyone in the area.

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