"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Today's links

Family Migration Inquiry: Second Oral Evidence Session is on 4th March.

More on this here : https://twitter.com/APPGMigration and here : http://www.appgmigration.org.uk/family-inquiry

You can listen to the recording of the first session here : http://www.appgmigration.org.uk/meetings/family-migration-inquiry-oral-evidence-session


https://twitter.com/donflynnmrn tweets :
Theresa May is on the hook when it comes to human rights and family immigration cases - see this blog http://www.freemovement.org.uk/2013/02/11/human-rights-and-the-immigration-rules/


Justice for all - unless you're an immigrant, says David Cameron.


The prime minister revealed on Wednesday that access to justice was another of a growing list of public services that ministers were trying to reorganise to restrict access for new immigrants to Britain.


But ... Immigration: David Cameron urges Indians to come to 'welcoming' Britain


( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_dissonance )


Exclusive: government blocks release of estimate for Romanian and Bulgarian immigration.

In response to a New Statesman freedom of information request, the government says that the release of the figures could threaten "collective responsibility".



Meet Ako: Journalist and destitute asylum seeker.


The image of Ako sitting desolate on the steps of a tenement close having just learned of his eviction is one that struck a particular chord with me when I first watched filmmaker Chris Leslie’s short documentary ‘Destitution' (below).

In the film Ako returns home to find that the locks had been changed on his temporary accommodation. His asylum claim has been refused and he is now homeless. The image is a glimpse into the precarious existence that many asylum seekers cope with day after day.

I wanted to know more about Ako so I was delighted when he agreed to share his experiences with me.

Via https://twitter.com/scotrefcouncil


This briefing sets out key facts and figures, as well as information gaps, relating to the number of asylum seekers applying to stay in the UK, who these asylum seekers are, how many are rejected, what the overall impacts of asylum seekers are on UK migration statistics and what happens to asylum seekers after their applications have been processed.


Via Migration Observatory https://twitter.com/MigObs


Immigration reform: Why many GOP lawmakers applauded Obama speech.

President Obama treaded carefully around immigration reform during his State of the Union message. Republican lawmakers took notice, with many appreciating his back-seat approach.



Immigration and innovation.


The United States economy has a comparative advantage in science and innovation. The country of Apple, Google, Facebook, Ford, General Motors, Boeing, Microsoft and FedEx thrives by creating new products and introducing entirely new markets. The American economy is innovation-driven, and such innovation requires, first and foremost, people with good ideas and skilled workers who can transform those ideas into marketable products. Where does all this talent that our economy is built on originate? Are we the innovation leaders because we have a monopoly on talent in the world?

The basic data suggest otherwise. American secondary school students consistently rank toward the bottom among their counterparts in other countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development in tests measuring science and mathematics aptitude. The United States has sustained its primary position as developer of new scientific knowledge and product innovations, despite the deficiencies in math and science training, with the immigration of skilled workers.

Via https://twitter.com/patelsmie


Global report on trafficking in persons.


Victims are trafficked around the world for sexual exploitation, forced labour, begging, petty crimes, removal of organs and for other exploitative purposes. Trafficking in persons is a truly global phenomenon: between 2007 and 2010, victims from at least 136 countries were detected in 118 countries worldwide. Because of this diffusion as well as the hidden nature of trafficking crimes, it is difficult to estimate the size of the problem.


https://twitter.com/IrishRefugeeCo tweets :
Irish Refugee Council raises concern for safety of residents following attacks on refugee accommodation http://tinyurl.com/d9vb4my


https://twitter.com/donflynnmrn tweets :
Immigrant integration should have a local rather than national policy focus? See this piece... http://www.migrantsrights.org.uk/migration-pulse/2013/lessons-integration-local-leadership


Sri Lankans expelled from UK allege torture after deportation to Colombo.



Interesting piece on Brits in Romania!



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