"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Tuesday 12 February 2013

Good evening

https://twitter.com/APPGMigration tweets :
You can listen to the Family Migration Inquiry - 1st Oral Evidence Session here http://www.appgmigration.org.uk/meetings/family-migration-inquiry-oral-evidence-session


University principals have blamed immigration changes and the Westminster government’s “hard-line rhetoric” after the number of foreign students coming to Scotland fell by up to 26 per cent from some countries.


"My advice to anyone dealing with UKBA is to treat them like small children."


Uganda deports British theate producer.


David Cecil, who angered Ugandan authorities by staging a play about homosexuality, is deported without warning.

Poundland ruling 'blows big hole' through government work schemes.

Graduate Cait Reilly succeeds in legal challenge to programme under which she was required to work unpaid at discount store.


Ministers said they were “disappointed and surprised” after Cait Reilly, a university graduate, won her Court of Appeal claim that requiring her to work for free at a Poundland discount store was unlawful.

More on Roseline Akhalu http://britcits.blogspot.co.uk/2013/01/the-trials-of-roseline-akhalu-httpwww.html

Greg Mulholland, Rose's MP, asked a question in the House yesterday. See below. Huge thanks to him for all his support. We are thinking and planning how to build momentum before the next hearing - your support as always is invaluable.


Via Roseline's Facebook support group :

Home Office report : The Migrant Journey.


This Home Office research report provides evidence on the behaviour of migrants entering the UK immigration system for the five main routes of entry to the UK and the common pathways through the Immigration System that result in settlement.

This third report follows on from ‘The Migrant Journey’ (Achato, Eaton and Jones, 2010) and ‘The Migrant Journey: Second Report’ (Achato, Eaton and Jones, 2011), by providing new analysis on two further cohorts of migrants granted entry clearance visas in 2005 and 2006 and migrants granted settlement in 2010 and 2011.

The report also provides updated estimates for the previously published 2004 and 2009 cohorts. For the first time migrants granted visit visas have been included.

More : http://www.homeoffice.gov.uk/publications/science-research-statistics/research-statistics/immigration-asylum-research/horr69/horr69-report?view=Binary

Upcoming events :

The work of Syrian photographer Yazan Homsi within the zones of conflict and war in Syria show the tragic situation of the people of the besieged city of Homs. His photograph (above) of a disabled women looking for her home amid the rubble of Main Street of the city of Homs won the first prize in the Ninth Arab European Photography Festival held in Hamburg, Germany.

China's press censorship protests.

Romanian Foreign Minister Titus Corlatean is not happy with the tone of the debate surrounding Romanian and Bulgarian immigration to the UK, he has told the BBC.


Vince Cable: Britain must be more welcoming to foreigners to attract new wealth.


Human Rights Watch has posted a report on its website, citing abuse of migrant works in Sochi. The report, which references dozens of interviews with workers in Sochi, claims working conditions violate Russian law and human rights. Russian officials deny the claims, while analysts doubt the allegations will affect the holding of the 2014 Winter Games.


Search conducted for missing tsunami victims in Miyagi, Iwate prefectures.


The Antarctic: Russians make themselves at home at the south pole.


The green of central Maine.


Chris Huhne has joined a select club: those who have been a member of the Privy Council, and then voluntarily left.

History records just four others who have quit the institution whose members once advised the monarch on how to wield their power.


The reporter who broke the news of Pope Benedict XVI's resignation got the scoop because she understood his announcement in Latin. How much of it is spoken in the Vatican and elsewhere these days?


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