"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Friday 1 February 2013

Today's links

Faith groups in Southampton protest against new family migration rules.


Good to see local campaigns gathering pace. 'The regions find their voice.'

Phoebe's story.


'I was made to feel like I was being forced out of my own country and you’re only entitled to your human rights if you earn enough. At the same time the government claims to be family friendly, pro marriage, pro human rights yet they are forcing families apart, why isn’t the media highlighting these double standards?'

Family Immigration Alliance is a fantastic site which also documents the plight of divided families. Check them out here : http://familyimmigrationalliance.wordpress.com/ and follow them here : https://twitter.com/The_FIA

Human Rights Watch World Report 2013.


In the spotlight : The US government should urgently reform its unfair immigration system to uphold the basic rights of non-citizens and provide a path to legal status for the country’s unauthorized immigrants, Human Rights Watch said in a policy briefing released today.

Couple hugs through the fence - great photo : https://twitter.com/grace_meng/status/297365862594252802/photo/1

'Great news at last for our volunteer's asylum-seeking friend.'


A long wait for better times ends at last. Janice Gwilliam - a London schoolteacher until she saw the light - records a triumph in her monthly report for the Northerner on voluntary work in the north.

The Economist: 'The government is pandering to anti-immigration feeling. It should be trying to reduce it.'


http://twitter.com/freemvntblog tweets : KA defeated. CA row back from high tide of children's rights http://www.bailii.org/ew/cases/EWCA/Civ/2013/32.html

More on the KA asylum decision, which was big news last year : http://www.freemovement.org.uk/2012/08/24/significant-step-forward-for-young-asylum-seekers/ - the Court of Appeal seems to be moving away from this.

Fact check, debunk: Are migrants more likely to claim unemployment benefits?


"It’s as if someone took one of those composite satellite maps -- you know, impossibly showing the whole world at night, the darkness broken by hubs and strings of artificial light ... and gave it the power of speech." - more on Twitter language maps.



Migrants fight for their rights as moving becomes part of normal life.

National governments have failed to manage migration but migrants are increasingly leading the way on social change.


https://twitter.com/britishfuture tweets : Why Poles love Britain - @Telegraph includes Churchill's pledge that Britain would never forget its gratitude to Poles http://bit.ly/14ADxf9


https://twitter.com/ukyankeedotcom tweets : [Welcome Wagon] Cincinnati to Southampton area 6 months ago http://ow.ly/2uC8aw


Legalize Who?: A Portrait of the 11 Million Unauthorized Immigrants in the United States.


Via https://twitter.com/MigrantVoiceUK

https://twitter.com/stephenfry tweets: Follow https://twitter.com/oxfamgb & hear Hasan, a Syrian refugee tell his story of life in the camps #SyriaRefugees http://bit.ly/Wxnlbl


Romanians, Bulgarians Answer UK Immigration Fears.


"We are mocked, denigrated and made to feel like third-class citizens," said Gandul editorial director Claudiu Pandaru. "This is a humorous, good-mannered response. We want to show the British that we have two important reserves: intelligence and humor."

Gandul on Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/Gandul.info?ref=ts&fref=ts
Claudiu Pandaru on Twitter : https://twitter.com/claudiupandaru

Syrian refugees: 'Tonight we died many deaths'.


https://twitter.com/freemvntblog tweets : "We welcome the free movement if it benefits our economy." THAT ISN'T 'FREE' MOVEMENT THEN IS IT?! http://bit.ly/14DTCkf

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