"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Wednesday 9 April 2014

Arbroath mother shocked by deportation order


'Angela Smith, mother of two and active member of the Arbroath community
, has received shocking news from the Home Office urging her to leave the country immediately.

'Born in Ohio, Ms Smith has lived in Arbroath since 2007 and has had an ongoing battle with the Home Office around gaining permanent residence.

'“This is the third time they’ve tried to toss me out and I’m not putting up with it now,” she told us.

'Following the filing of paperwork for permanent residence, Ms Smith’s work visa expired and she believes the Home Office have let time lapse on her application.

'“Basically they have been sitting on my paperwork for nine months.
They have made me illegal by not filing my paperwork in a timely fashion...'

More stories about bureaucracy : http://britcits.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/bureaucracy


  1. She has bo right to be here, So I say deport her back home and she can take her daughter or leave her behind. Why as a country should we fall victim's to sob storys, We have to put a stop to this if we want to thrive as an independent country

    1. Anonymous -

      Thanks for your comment.

      When you say 'we want to thrive as an independent country', I'm curious to know whether you mean the United Kingdom or Scotland? Because Scotland's politicians tend to take a markedly more generous approach to immigration than Westminster's. Indeed, if Scotland were to become independent, some of our currently divided families could reunite in Scotland, much as some do in Ireland now. Food for thought eh? It all depends on your perspective, whose 'country' it is.

      When you say 'deport her', do you also mean to say that her daughter (a British citizen) should face a choice between deportation herself or separation from her mother? What about her mother's partner? Her friends? Her colleagues? All the people who clearly love and support her. Because they are all (presumably) British citizens too, have all had their lives enriched by her, and all want her to stay.

      Why are you so anxious to deny the rights of British citizens to their own family lives, friendships, and careers? Why are you in fact, against -Britain- in attacking the rights of its citizens.

      Because Britain is not, and never has been, isolated from the world. Britain is connected to the rest of the world through our European partners, through a wonderful institution called the Commonwealth which links us with a quarter of the world through shared history, through special relationships with countries we have bonds with such as the US, or Japan, through political, economic, technological and interpersonal connections at every level. You simply cannot separate the rights of migrants with the rights of British citizens - they are as intertwined and complicated as the lives people live.

      Sooner or later, rules which seek to unnaturally divided humans will ultimately fail. It has always been thus - all people have heritage across religious, class, national or other boundaries. People won't stand for being divided from those they love.

      I'm afraid you are on the wrong side of history - you may want to think through your position a bit more carefully.
