Below are some sketches by the very talented Mark Stokes (@dezainur), depicting the view he had during the three day hearing at the Supreme Court 22-24th February 2016. Mark has asked us to also convey his gratitude to the Supreme Court for granting permission to sketch live in court.
A taste of day one at the Supreme Court, with Manjit Gill QC making submissions on behalf of families. In the foreground is part of the legal team supporting him. Further back, Lord Wilson.
Lisa Giovanetti QC for the Home Office counters the family arguments (well, tries to). |
A partial image of the inside of court 1 and the beautiful wooden beams and balcony which Lord Hughes seemed particularly enamoured with (okay okay, he was probably just looking up whilst concentrating :)) |
Another depiction of Lisa Giovanetti QC trying to justify the Secretary of State, Home Department's, divisive family immigration rules. |
Manjit Gill QC just before he stood up to passionately deliver his reply to the Home Office's arguments. |
Mark's a talented man.