"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Monday 18 March 2013

Today's links

What hasn't been making the news from Parliament?


Since November 2012 the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration has been tweeting about these ongoing developments under the @APPGMigration account. The main purpose of the twitter account is to highlight the ongoing parliamentary questions and debates happening in parliament, while also keeping news from the group’s activities in the twittersphere. The account has a mixture of followers from cross-party parliamentary figures, national news reporters, academics, trade unions, think tanks, businesses, to private individuals.

So what have been some of the recent developments within parliament on immigration which we’ve picked up on the APPG Migration twitter feed in recent months?...


Minister argues that Tier 2 of PBS might provide a solution to partners denied entry under family reunion rules.


A special adjournment debate on the new family reunion rules took place in Parliament last week, on a motion from the MP from Bristol East, Kerry McCarthy attended by several members of the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration.

Ms McCarthy explained that she is dealing with cases in her constituency where the family member sponsoring the visa application of their partner is a British citizen not in receipt of public funds, but earning less that the income threshold set out in the immigration regulations.

She cited the example of a British citizen who had lived in Thailand for ten years with his Thai wife, wife whom he had a son who was now aged three years.  He had been obliged to plan a return to the UK to care for his elderly parents.  He had hoped to move with his family but had encountered the difficulty that the new rule would prevent this because he had no earnings in the UK.

She cited two other cases with similar facts and asked Parliament to acknowledge that British citizens are increasingly working abroad or travelling for education purposes or to volunteer in charitable projects abroad.  It had to be anticipated that this would lead to the formation of new families and the rules which dealt with their return to the UK ought not to penalise people with the reasonable expectation of family life in the UK.

Here's the debate :


https://twitter.com/freemvntblog tweets :
High court is hearing an important JR tomorrow concerning legality of the controversial immigration rules about Article 8 (via @MalikZane)


https://twitter.com/BritCits tweets :
#Immigrant of day:@Mo_Farah born in Somalia,moved to UK age 8,spoke no English.Did #UK proud at @London2012 Olympics http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mo_Farah


An asylum seeker is facing deportation to Afghanistan despite fearing for his life if he is returned to his homeland.

Najib Hashimi, 18, has been in the UK since 2009 and lived with a foster family in Kent, who said his father and brother were killed by the Taliban.


Just in : Afghan teen Najibullah Hashimi given stay of execution from deportation.



The Government may offer 650 Afghan translators working for the British military the chance of sanctuary in Britain, officials have revealed.



https://twitter.com/migrants_rights tweets :
Our Weekly Immigration News roundup is out http://eepurl.com/wUv31


Ukip's heartland: immigration, the EU and clean toilets - video.




https://twitter.com/ncadc tweets :
Report,photos of Thurs demo at Home Office for Jackie Nanyonjo, who died in Uganda after brutal deportation from UK. http://www.aworldtowin.net/frontline/JackieNanyonjo.html


In a largely ceremonial vote, Xi was selected as expected as China's president with 2,955 votes in favor and three abstentions on March 14, 2013 during the 12th National People's Congress.

But one vote of dissent was counted among the tally, and the identity of the deputy who cast the vote was not released.



https://twitter.com/NelsonMandela tweets :
"There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children"



https://twitter.com/gerardhearne tweets :
I can't understand it, I tweeted the Pope re #settlementvisanightmare days ago and he STILL hasn't replied or reprimanded anyone.I can't understand it, I tweeted the Pope re #settlementvisanightmare days ago and he STILL hasn't replied or reprimanded anyone.


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