"I have never welcomed the weakening of family ties by politics or pressure" - Nelson Mandela.
"He who travels for love finds a thousand miles no longer than one" - Japanese proverb.
"Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence." - Article 8 of the European Convention on Human Rights.
"When people's love is divided by law, it is the law that needs to change". -
David Cameron.

Wednesday 23 January 2013

Today's links

Inspector finds UK Border Agency backlog dating back 10 years.


'A "completely unacceptable" UK Border Agency backlog of more than 16,000 applications from migrants for permission to stay in Britain, some of them dating back almost a decade, has been uncovered by the chief inspector of borders and immigration.

'John Vine says the backlog includes 14,000 people who are married to British citizens but whose appeals were put on hold while UKBA sorted out a policy to deal with them. The chief inspector says this marriage backlog was rising at the rate of 700 a month when he carried out his inspection last September.'

Thanks to the Independent Chief Inspector, John Vine, for his tireless work uncovering things like this...

We are happy and proud to campaign with the Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants.

Follow them on Twitter here :-

'Europe growls in response to Cameron's speech'.


'Hundreds of thousands of British people now take for granted their right to work, live or retire in any other EU country.' - quote from David Cameron's speech. Don't ruin the freedom we have! : http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/259ef844-653d-11e2-a3db-00144feab49a.html#axzz2IpgSCnpJ


'New UK immigration laws are tearing families apart. Change them now. '


Sign the petition! (If you haven't already).


Via Transpondia ( https://www.facebook.com/Transpondia?ref=ts&fref=ts ) :-

'News flash. Dateline London 23 Jan 2012 15:20 UTC

'Has the delay in getting your visa approved brought you distress? Are you having, or about to have a broken heart from being overwhelmed by the length of time it takes in the visa application process?

'If so, the BBC may want to talk to *YOU*. To coincide with the release of the Chief Inspector's report tomorrow, the "BBC Today" show hopes to highlight a few cases where the UKBA backlog has affected family members. Contact the "BBC Today" programme at 0203 6141222.

'And that's not all! Channel 4 is planning to run a *feature* on it. We'll have their contact details posted directly.

'Big doings peeps. Eyes wide!'


What's the difference between an expat and an immigrant?


Bingham Centre for Rule of Law rejects government's Judicial Review proposals.


Via http://www.freemovement.org.uk/

These proposals will of course make it much much harder to challenge immigration decisions, leaving the door open to further abuses.

See also the link above on the UKBA backlog...

'Romania's Foreign Minister hits back at immigration scare stories in the UK'.


Via https://twitter.com/emmabmoussa


https://twitter.com/emmabmoussa tweets : 'my husband and son just built their first ever snowman (dont snow much in Marrakech) everyday a gift when my family life is decided by UKBA '


Via https://twitter.com/APPGMigration -

'Tory Gavin Barwell says public are worried about who is migrating to the UK, not migrant numbers. So what's the point of his party's target? '

'Pete Wishart of SNP says immigration will be "key feature" of Scot independence campaign cos crying out for more migrants north of border '

Follow https://twitter.com/APPGMigration (the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Migration), Pete Wishart MP ( https://twitter.com/PeteWishart ), Gavin Barwell MP ( https://twitter.com/GavinBarwellMP ).
Pete Wishart of the SNP has a great track record of speaking out on issues related to those we are campaigning on.
While we don't always see eye-to-eye, Gavin Barwell represents the more sensible side of Tory thinking on the issues.

The All-Party Parliamentary Group's inquiry into the effects of the new family migration rules is one of the most important initiatives around these issues now. Submit your story if you haven't already! :-


A lost generation of young immigrants in Greece: Alessandro Penso's award-winning work - in pictures.


Via https://twitter.com/MigrantVoiceUK

The Great American Boycott ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_American_Boycott ) - 'The Great American Boycott (Spanish: El Gran Paro Estadounidense, lit. "the Great American Strike") was a one-day boycott of United States schools and businesses by immigrants in the United States illegally, of mostly Latin American origin that took place on May 1, 2006.'  Via https://twitter.com/ZrileB


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