
Sunday, 13 July 2014

White Feather Campaign

Read about the White Feather Campaign here :

Send a white feather
It is clear that the government do not understand the anguish of the families divided by the 2012 Family Migration rules.  If they did, the rules would not have been put in place in the first place.  In the aftermath of the Court of Appeal's  judgement yesterday, it is time for us to share with David Cameron, the leader of our country, the impact of his actions.
We can do this very simply, by sending a white feather.
That's it.  Simple but effective.  And as we all send them to Downing Street, the amount of white feathers will add up until we can be ignored no more.
It can be a real feather taped to a card, or a paper feather, or a drawing... or whatever you like. :
From Daisy to Salieu. Separated physically, but together in heart, mind and dreams. #whitefeather #familiestogether :
@David_Cameron sending #whitefeather for stopping my famliy being together. For @v2jay100 who we miss everyday :
@David_Cameron this is from my partner and baby boy apart due to visa rules #familiestogether #whitefeather #MMcase :
A feather is for Ajay. Separated by 2012 Family Migration rules rules.#whitefeather #familiestogether #lovemigration :
My fiance is Japanese, just got a 1st in her UK degree and now she can't continue to work here because of the immigration rule #whitefeather :
My Javanese wife Daisy and son are unable to live with me because of 9 July 2012 law.  
@Number10gov #whitefeather #familiestogether #lovemigration Daisy Anthoneta Sahertian Michael Kevin Sahertian :
let me come home with my wife, the woman I love #whitefeather #familiestogether #lovemigration" :
@David_Cameron working, self-sufficient mother-of-two separated from highly skilled spouse #whitefeather

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