
Saturday, 12 July 2014

Send a white feather

A campaign in response to the recent court ruling, initiated by the 'Love Letters to the Home Office' team.

By Katharine

Send a white feather

It is clear that the government do not understand the anguish of the families divided by the 2012 Family Migration rules.  If they did, the rules would not have been put in place in the first place.  In the aftermath of the Court of Appeal's  judgement yesterday, it is time for us to share with David Cameron, the leader of our country, the impact of his actions.

We can do this very simply, by sending a white feather.

That's it.  Simple but effective.  And as we all send them to Downing Street, the amount of white feathers will add up until we can be ignored no more.

It can be a real feather taped to a card, or a paper feather, or a drawing... or whatever you like.

All we need to send is a white feather, and the name of our loved one(s).  We can write more if we wish, but we don't have to.

1.  Send them by post, send them by email, tweet them.  Do all three if you know how to, and if you can!  

Post your feathers to:
The Right Honourable David Cameron MP
Prime Minister
10 Downing Street
London SW1A 2AA
United Kingdom

Email: Use this form to request an email address to send your white feather to.

Twitter: @Number10gov,  @david_cameron, 

Use #whitefeather and #familiestogether and #lovemigration 

2.  Share them on Facebook and your other social media too, to raise awareness of the campaign and to empower others to send their white feathers too.

3.  If you want to, you can email photographs of your white feather to and we will collect and document them on our site.

The additional means of sharing are great things to do, but the only important thing to do is send a white feather to David Cameron.  And we can all do that.

We can keep sending them until the rules are changed, our families are reunited and our human rights are restored.  One feather at a time, one family at a time, we will win this.

In solidarity and hope, and with love,

Katharine and the Love Letters to the Home Office team

Some sample text 

This feather is for [name].

This feather is for [name] who missed his daughter's first birthday.

This feather is for [name] and [name] who are separated by the 2012 Family Migration rules.

This feather is for my daughter.

Some sample feathers
(these are hand drawn, but use your creativity and create whatever suits you best)

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