
Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Opposition to the MAX.

'We need an immediate campaign as well as the more long term existing strategies on defending immigration and human rights. The Immigration Bill must become a target for civil society, people and organisations, faith groups, trade and student unions to mobilise around.

'It just so happened that over the summer, JCWI, working alongside Lee Jasper of the South London Immigration Monitor, put a lot of work into creating a new coalition of groups to do just that. A new organisation which will make sure that the xenophobia  employed by Theresa May and others like her doesn’t go unchallenged. The Movement Against Xenophobia (MAX) has had a couple of initial meetings, we are still working at drawing together a coalition strong enough to stop the Immigration Bill. We also have an eye on the two coming elections: the European election in May next year and the general election a year later...'

Zambrano internal guidance used by Home Office.
Following the European Court of Justice judgment in ‘Ruiz Zambrano’, the UK is now required to grant EU law rights of entry and residence to the primary carer of a British citizen who would be forced to leave the EEA if a right of entry to or residence in the UK was not granted to their primary carer.

The threshold is high: the judgment will normally only apply to a person who is the primary carer (usually a parent) of :
A child who is a British citizen; or
A disabled adult who is a British citizen, and who relies on the non-EU citizen to provide them with essential care...

Mirrored here :

Theresa May unveils Tory immigration plans.

How the drive to deporting foreign criminals has worked in practice in America #lessonsfromhistory :

'After escaping the long war and the Khmer Rouge genocide, hundreds of Cambodian refugees reached safety in America, only to wind up, decades later, deported to a land many never even knew. Isolated and ill equipped to fit into society, they form a strange sub-culture in one of the world's poorest countries, turned into a human dumping ground in yet another shameful sidebar to America's relentless search for Homeland Security. '


5 things we learned from Labour party conference

... Labour has been willing to stake out some principled positions on specific aspects of immigration policy. The confirmation last week that Labour would bring back the migrant domestic worker visa was a significant victory for organisations such as Kalayaan and campaigners in the Justice for Domestic Workers movement. Immigration shadow Chris Bryant also said that he would repeal any introduction of bonds for visitor visas by the coalition government – another positive development. There is now scope for Labour to go further, in particular by staking out its policy on family migration.

Are foreign nationals being denied legal advice?

 Virgo Consultancy Services Ltd a new immigration firm based in South London has discovered through a Freedom of Information Act to the Metropolitan Police Service that the majority are foreign nationals detained in London in from the 1st June 2012 – 31st May 2013 were not provided access to immigration legal advice as is their rights under Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 section 38.2

5834 individuals were arrested for immigration offences during this period.  The number recorded as having a solicitor is 1900 that leaves 3484 people who were denied legal advice to which they are entitled in law.
(That's about 70%).

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