
Friday, 23 August 2013 :
This year Theresa may will either destroy my family or let me have my husband and my son keep his daddy it's terrifying that she can do that

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A family who've overstayed their visa face a night on the streets with baby and young child, destitute. #societyfail

You're homeless, the council will not house you. Do you put your 2yr old & baby in care? Family are waiting to hear from Home Office re visa
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divided family under new immigration law.

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BMA seeks doctors' experiences of migration rule changes:

As does BritCits. We are collating stories of those affected by spouse & adult dependant rules.
Contact us : britcits at

The 'Go Home' campaign - a public meeting.

The catalyst for this series of workshops was the pilot scheme, run by the Government from 22 July, during which vans with the words ‘Go Home or Face Arrest’ were driven around six London boroughs in a week-long campaign. The boroughs were chosen because each one had either a particularly low or particularly high level of voluntary return amongst migrants. The evening included discussions about reactions to the ‘Go Home’ campaign, the proliferation of immigration spot checks and campaigning tips for concerned organisations and individuals. :
"There is no compulsion to respond if an immigration officer stops you in the street." An important message to spread

'Go home' vans were 'unacceptable' says study :


"The Japanese are no more racist than Americans or people of many other countries. The only difference is that when you come to Japan, for the first time in your life, you are a minority and get to see what it’s like to be one. But for some reason, while here in Japan, discrimination suddenly becomes a personal affront, because it’s happening to you. And unfortunately, what follows tends to be the same conclusions: 'The xenophobic Japanese!' Or 'The Japanese are racist!' Now who is doing the stereotyping?"

'Young Pakistani men too scared to seek medical help after violent racist attack by Golden Dawn in Greece.'

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