
Saturday, 17 August 2013

BritCits Meetup in Bristol, 21st August!

Let's meet up, have a chat, support each other, share stories, share ideas, try to beat these goddam family migration rules!

Spotted on social media :
It occurred to me that there ought to be Foreign Office advice to travellers going to countries outside of the EU. Don't fall in love.
--- :
@WeDemandUk @David_Cameron your govt's draconian #familymigration policies have effectively placed me in exile. It's time you & them went!

“I can’t believe I may never be able to return home, as breaking up my family for several months just isn’t feasible.” : 

@jitjindar's story.

Smart(phone) riposte to UKBA raids?

 A new app, by a strange and impressive group called Immigrant X, alerts users to UKBA spot-checks.

It's a clever and much-needed little thing. I particularly like the way it crowd-sources the validation process. An alert is established when someone spots a potential UKBA operation.


Torture survivors' photo project.

Everyone who took part was eager to use their camera to raise public awareness of the devastating impact poverty is having on survivors of torture. Documenting their day-to-day reality - from sleeping under bridges to struggling to stay warm, these pictures highlight many of the issues detailed in our research.

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