
Monday, 1 July 2013

BritCits bulletin

What a week it has been

Every few weeks, we send a campaign update email to our supporters, including many of those affected. We will share those communications on this website to generally update everyone on the work we do.
In the news:  Our campaign received a lot of media attention this week with BBC taking an active interest, with members of BritCits, and yours truly, on those of us being forced down the Surinder Singh route.
Three platforms:
Pls send the below to your MP, lobbying them to attend our big event on 9th July.
Survey: Asthika, a recent member of BritCits is already proving himself invaluable, having composed the following survey (mega thanks!). Pls fill this in and share with all and sundry..would be very useful to have meaningful is anonymous so pls be as honest as you can. Any comments on how it could be made even better, pls let us know.
Lords debate:
Following the family migration debate in the House of Commons, there will be a similar debate in the House of Lords, Main Chamber, on 4th July 4:30 pm. Please attend in person if you can (its first come first serve,and please leave time for security). It is also viewable online on parliament tv.

9th July: If there's one thing you make an effort to take part in re: justice for Brits, let it be taking part on this day. There will be a protest outside the Home Office at 4pm, then meeting in Parliament at 6pm. On this day you will also get to hear the stories from people affected by these very rules - incl many britcits..and politicians and campaigners. It'll be nice to put voices and faces to the names of the stories in the pack (updated pack with lots more stories to come soon..we've been a bit inundated in the last week).
Also sign the letter here, ASAP

and get as many people as you can to do so...this letter will be taken personally to No.10 Downing Street by a coalition of MRN, JCWI, FIA, MRS and BritCits, on 9th July..and this is our chance to make it clear to David Cameron how important this issue is for all of us. Please please please, snatch these opportunities.

Steve's put coverage of this on the website as well so do have a browse through. as he updates the website on a nearly daily basis.

Twitter: Pls keep an eye out for tweets on this issue if you're on twitter..and re-tweet to further the message. Several britcits - Emma, Alexis, Les and Ros will be helping share the message..pls do keep an eye out for tweets from them, @sjplep and @britcits
Hope weekend has been good for all.


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