
Sunday, 28 April 2013

The top ten fears of the African diaspora about Africa

"My heart actually breaks when I read or hear about Africa’s youth trying to cross the Mediterranean Sea to get to the rich West to wash dishes in restaurants, clean toilets and look after elderly incontinent people. Were these fine daughters and sons of Africa to have a second thought, they would put themselves into better use and in their own motherland.”


Crime doesn't rise in high immigration areas – it falls, says study. tweets :
So the #Poles have come here and taken down our crime rates as well - what will UKIP say?
--- immigrant of the day :
Natasha Kaplinsky tv presenter @BBCNews @Channel5Press @itn_news @skynews Won @bbcstrictly Poland, Belarus, SA descent.
--- tweets :
Day 1 of punishing, unhealthy Dukan Diet as a protest against the UKBA separating me from my son. (Bourgeois hunger strike.) ( )


EU unveils plans to help migrant workers.

The European Commission has unveiled plans to improve the rights of workers who move to take up employment in another state within the EU.

The commission said there was no evidence migrant workers took jobs from nationals of the country they moved to.

It said high jobless levels in some states made it important to help anyone wishing to migrate for work.


If you're in London Monday, why not see 'Into the Fire' at SOAS, 6:30 pm?

Greece is in crisis. But the economic crisis is not the only one. An asylum crisis has gripped the country at this time of severe austerity. And it hits the most vulnerable: Refugees, including minors, who have left everything behind fleeing their countries to find safety.
--- tweets :
Striking reversal: Remittance from Brazil to Portugal now exceed those from Portugal to Brazil, same Mexico to Spain 

The people behind the prejudice.

Meet Everton. Everton is eight. He’s having a tough time at school at the moment. He comes from the Caribbean but is trying to get a visa to stay in the UK while his mum works here; she has permission to do so until the end of next year. He is distraught as his dad is in the UK’s armed forces, stationed abroad, and he desperately wants to stay with his mum for as long as she is working here. He doesn’t want to live with his elderly grandparents any more, and they are getting to the stage where they are unable to care for him properly.

The good news is that a judge of the first-tier tribunal has ruled that Everton can stay with his mum – for slightly more than a year. The bad news is that the Home Office is appealing against that decision. The expense of appeal, the work involved and the turmoil caused to this little boy has been deemed justifiable by the Home Office, all in the interests of keeping a schoolchild out of the UK for 13 months. The driver is the coalition’s promise to reduce net migration to ‘tens of thousands, not hundreds of thousands’. 

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